Boreal Action is a grassroots environment and social justice group.

making an ethical living press release

For Immediate Release

Announcing the Making an Ethical Living Workshop Series

September 22-25, 2011

At the A-Zone, 91 Albert Street, in Winnipeg


September 16, 2011


Do you love your work as an activist, musician, artist or green business owner, but need to increase your income?


The Boreal Forest Network, Marketing for Hippies and the A-Zone present fours days of development workshops geared especially for activists, green and holistic businesses, artists and musicians.


Tad Hargrave takes the sleeze out of marketing for people who don’t like the usual sales gimmicks. He makes his living with his travelling series Marketing for Hippies and personal consultations with alternative minded business owners. His visionary presentations help take us out of the usual sales mindset and find honest ways to connect with people who will benefit from what we have to offer.


Susanne McCrea, from the Boreal Forest Network, came to activism from a media, promotions and marketing background, so it was a natural for the two to team up for this series of workshops.


I’ve been making a living through non-profit fundraising for twenty years,” said Susanne. “The

marketing principals I apply are the same ones Tad teaches. We can’t be afraid to talk about money and we should be able to make a living doing what we do best for our community.”


Circle discussions are ongoing all weekend, with sessions on writing promo materials, direct action, DIY know your house, community building, self-care with yogi and kirtan musician, Beth Martens and a Saturday afternoon panel discussion called “Surviving and Thriving in an Alternative World.”


Attendance is pay as you can $1 – $40 a session.

Thanks to Mondragon and Tall Grass Prairie Bakery for soup and bread service at event


See for full program


(204) 297-0321


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