Boreal Action is a grassroots environment and social justice group.


We will soon be making changes to our website and taking on a new look, name and organizational structure. We will continue to do the work you’ve come to have confidence in and appreciate your continued support.

This site will refect that in the near future. If you wish to remain on our listserve, you need do nothing. As always, you have the option to opt out at any time. We do hope you won’t!

In future, we’ll be known as The Boreal Action Project. Boreal Action was initiated some years ago, as a BFN side project, by Sara Peloquin (public interest lawyer), Michael Dudeck (now world renowned performance artist) and Susanne McCrea (writer, filmmaker, environmentalist and performance artist), all of whom have extensive experience in ENGOs (environmental non-governmental organizations) and have worked and created together throughout their respective journies. Former BFNer Peter Kulcheski (professor of Native Studies at the University of Manitoba) rounds out the new team.

Our knowledgable and dedicated canvassers, Nathan Zahn and Samuel Bradshaw are making the transition to Boreal Action with us and we are aware of what value they bring to the organization.

We know we couldn’t do this work without the strength of you, our faithful supporters. We want you to know that this is the team you come to have confidence in over decades of our work with the Boreal Forest Network. We contunue our commitment to the campaign work ahead, concentrating on defending science in Canada, on the proposed Energy East Pipeline to ship oil sands bitumen across the country, on fracking; with a focus on Manitoba, and, as always, on large scale forestry and other resource extraction that affects our waters, climate, wildlife and violates the rights of Indigenous Peoples and threatens all of our future generations.

These are exciting times ahead and we thank-you for taking this journey with us.

Your Boreal Action Team coming soon to this space 

2014 and beyond

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