Boreal Action is a grassroots environment and social justice group.

Community Events Series Proposal

Boreal Action is a grassroots, non-profit, environment and social justice group. We work primarily to support Indigenous led land and water defence campaigns. We currently work with community members in Grassy Narrows, Ontario and in Hollow Water, on the East Side of Lake Winnipeg, among others. We recognize that many people in the North End are from, or have family in impacted Indigenous communities, in which we work and have deep connections already.

We have been looking at ways to connect more with the urban Indigenous community, as well as provide an events series of value with networking/community opportunities that all residents will benefit from. This community event series is proposed to start with an event in the North End of Winnipeg, in the fall of 2019.

We have just completed 15 years of an annual event. The Seventh Generation Walk For Mother Earth, brought us to St. John’s Park and Central Park as a starting place for a parade to the Forks for a water ceremony in Oodena Circle and a free picing. We had spokespeople from Shoal Lake, Grassy Narrows, Hollow Water, Sagkeegn, Norway House, Nelson House, South Indian Lake, Cross Lake and others over those years. We’re looking for a new way to specifically connect with more urban Indigenous families for public outreach. The event we are planning would, also, show new Canadians where some of their neighbours come from. Many of them will not have ever been to an Indigenous community. And a broader public may gain a better understanding of the issues that impact Indigenous Peoples as no one issue exists in isolation.

Unfortunately, the story of the struggles of one community will ring true for many others. Part of the reason to share it so that people don;t feel so isolated and connect to others so they can share what has worked and what resources have been helpful to them. The story of Grassy is the story of a resilient people, many of them youths and women.

We are fundraising to organize a proposed event that features a free film screening of the Scars of Mercury/the story of Grassy Narrows: followed by two speakers/one community member – Judy DaSilva who lives on her traditional territory, the other a family member who lives in the north end.

Mother and Grandmother, Judy DaSilva, is an important leader in land and water defence. Her nieces in Winnipeg will come to share from the urban perspective how they have been inspired by and support those actions from here. We will also share some about our role as an ally group and how we have come to work together and trust each other over the decades of work. This is also paving the way for non-Indigenous neighbours to get to hear about the challenges Indigenous communities face on their traditional lands and introduce them to ways to be of support.

This is very common thread in Indigenous families, where people often go home to their reserve for holidays and reserve members come to the city to shop and for appointments. The theme of the film we’ve chosen “The Scars of Mercury” documents the struggles and triumphs of the people of Grassy Narrows. Anyone would be inspired by meeting Judy and hearing her personally tell the story.

Each of the events in this series will include a practical workshop on how you can reduce you’re impact on the earth, while saving money. This workshop is about removing toxic cleaning chemicals from your home and replacing them with old standards, like vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda and other inexpensive and safe alternatives.

We, also, plan to provide a meal for community members to share and offer some unstructured social time for families.

Boreal Action is supported by the generous donations of individuals who believe in us. We encourage you to make a donation to our events series by going to donate on this website or by etransfer to

Your neighbourhood could be next on our events list!

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