Boreal Action is a grassroots environment and social justice group.

Save the Experimental Lakes Area Research Project

The Boreal Forest Network supports the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) Coalition in their goal to petition the federal government to retain the ELA program. We have delivered over 500 signatures to the coalition from our supporters and we continue to collect more.

Please visit to learn more about the importance of the Experimental Lakes program.

The Government of Canada announced their intention, May 17th,  to cancel the program effective in 2013.

The ELA conducts water projects that are not being done anywhere else in the world. Their findings, and potential future findings will be invaluable in to us in these days of increased industrial, climate change and other threats to the worlds water sheds.

This program is too important to allow it to be another casualty of our current federal government’s disregard of the environment.

You can help save the ELA to ensure the health of our precious fresh waters for future generations.





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