Boreal Action is a grassroots environment and social justice group.

Camp Manitowabi – Raven’s Creek 2012

It’s official! We’re hosting what will be another memorable Camp Manitowabi gathering…get out your tents and get ready to spend a few days in August at the Boreal Action, Boreal Forest Network, cross cultural activists camp at Ravens Creek, at the gateway to the largest intact boreal forest in the world, on the beautiful east side of Lake Winnipeg, in Hollow Water FN.

August 23-26, 2012

We’ll be opening with a pot luck feast, making jam, talking strategy, having some sweats, gardening, swimming, kids art, building community, making music and brainstorming together. This camp is co-hosted by Reynold and Robert Raven and dedicated to their father, the late Elder and our dear friend, Garry Raven. In his honour, we will share video footage of some of his teachings at the preview screening of the “Voices of the Land” video, much of which was shot at Raven’s Creek.

Meet the Kookoms (Grandmothers) of Hollow Water, meet community members of the Anishinaabe Turtle Island Protectors of HW, and many of us who support their work to protect their traditional lands.

No Charge, Family Friendly. We ask you only to bring food, or supplies, to share from a list (if you can) and lend a hand with the day to day work of the camp. Musical instruments encouraged. Art materials welcome.

Watch for list of food and supplies, what to bring and schedule of programmed events. Meantime, here is some info you’ll need about camp.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Arrival – Set up camp day

Participants will need to bring tents and camping equipment.

We will be preparing meals together. Some food supplies provided and some to be contributed by participants from a list. No one will go hungry! Vegan to wild meat.

Lots of land to camp on – first come first choice of location.

Water is trucked in, no running water. Outhouses.

Children are welcome – even encouraged! Parents are responsible for their children at all times.

Some BorealKids Activities are planned. You are welcome to leave age appropriate kids with our program leaders, at your own discretion.

No pets please. No drugs or alcohol.

If you wish to participate in sweats: men bring shorts, women bring long skirts, long sleeved tops – all natural fabrics; tobacco. Elders will provide further instruction.



Donations are always welcome and will be used for food, transportation and travel subsidies, honourariums, and supplies. We make this event free so anyone can attend, regardless of income. Your donations make this possible.

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