Boreal Action is a grassroots environment and social justice group.

Mother Earth Gathering Womyn of All Nations May 2013

The first year of the Mother Earth Gathering Womyn of All Nations will be held in the spring, on the weekend, during the full moon cycle of the Grandmother, on the days of May 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2013; at the Ancient Sacred Site, known as “Manitou Ahbee” (where Creator sits), in the Whiteshell Park, Manitoba, Canada.

We welcome women from all four directions, from all Nations, from all around Mother Earth, to join us for four days of camping, in the forest, surrounded by petroforms that are thousands of years old.

Teachings, ceremonies and sharing circles will take place in these ancient, traditional, sacred sites in the Whiteshell, Manitoba – Bannock Point, Tie Creek, and the Ancient Burial Ground along the White Moth River, in Seven Sisters Falls.

The gathering is hosted by a collective of womyyn, including Diane Maytwayashing (who provided the vision), Judy DaSilva (Grassy Narrows), Chickadee Richard and Susanne McCrea. All womyn of spirit are welcome.

More details will be posted soon. This is a camping event; bring camping gear and a tent, personal dishes, clothing for any weather, food donations from wild meat to vegan welcome for our shared kitchen. Bring drums and musical instruments, bundles, tobacco, skirts for sweats, sacred objects of your own culture, stories, kids.

This event is free of charge. We welcome your donations.

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