Boreal Action is a grassroots environment and social justice group.

East West Pipeline Alert

TransCanada Corp. wants to convert and extend an east/west pipeline, to transport crude oil from the tar sands, that comes right through communities, sensitive ecosystems and waterways, including Manitoba.

The proposed pipeline is expected to carry up to $850,000 barrels of crude per day, including diluted bitumen, from Empress Alberta to Saint John, New Brunswick.

The line has been dubbed the “ENERGY EAST” pipeline.

Spills have been rampant, lately. The spills in Mayflower, Arkansas and the notorious spill in the Kalamazoo River, in Michigan, are only few of the many recent accidents, from ruptured lines.

Tar sands production could be increased by the increase in transportation routes. Canada does not need to increase its fastest growing source of greenhouse gases. Crude would become more wildly available to anyone with the money to buy it, including international markets.

We will post more details on the route.

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